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Request for Proposals: HOME Rehabilitation Contractors

Notice to Contractors


The City of Rensselaer Planning & Development Agency is currently seeking renovation and rehabilitation contractors for our HOME2023 Proud Neighborhood Initiative; a grant funded by New York State Homes and Office of Community Renewal (Project SHARS # 20233086)


My Name is Rick VanVorst and I am the Rehabilitation Specialist for the City of Rensselaer, NY Planning and Development Agency. My job is to coordinate all of the construction activities for the repair, renovation and/or rehabilitation of single family, owner occupied homes of eligible homeowners within the City of Rensselaer, NY. These projects are funded through a grant from the NYS Homes and Community Renewal a NYS Housing Trust fund Corp. called the 2023 HOME Program.


The City has recently been awarded $548,000 to complete approximately 10 projects over the next two years. These projects will consist of various Scopes of Works and typically include items such as window and door replacement; foundation repair; roof replacement; heating system repair/replacement; porch and/or step replacement; electrical upgrades; plumbing upgrades, etc. The projects are typically let out through a competitive bidding process and contracts are developed from there. However, with this grant, we will be establishing a pool of preferred contractors.

Interested contractors are requested to complete quotes for the items described in the attached sample scope of work.  This document contains some of the usual rehabilitation items that the projects include. For the purpose of this bid, please present unit pricing for the items. Based on the results of the bids, The City will establish a list of preferred contractors to be offered work on a rotating basis.

Sealed bids will be due by 11:00 AM on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 via e-mail or in person in the Planning & Development Office on the second floor of City Hall, 62 Washington St., Rensselaer, NY. at which time bids will be open and then reviewed by department staff.  Within two weeks all bidders will be notified if they are being placed on the Preferred Contractor list for the HOME2023 Program.


The successful bidders will be required to submit proof of proper liability insurance, workers comp coverage, as well as, disability coverage or proof of exemption. Additionally, all contractors conducting HOME related activities must be or use a sub-contractor who is a EPA Lead Certified Firm and provide certificates of each employee certified as a qualified lead worker. ​


Special consideration will be given to MWBE, SDVOB and/or Section 3 contractors.


For any additional information, please contact, Rick Van Vorst, Rehab Specialist at 462-4839 or email at










Request For Price Proposals: OSHA Training with Submission Form

Request For Price Proposals

OSHA 10 Hour and 30 Hour Training

Released January 3, 2025

Proposals Due January 10, 2025 at 2:00PM


The City of Rensselaer is seeking Price Proposals from qualified entities that can provide OSHA 10-hour General Industry Training and OSHA 30-hour General Industry Training within 10 miles of the City of Rensselaer, New York.


Specifically, the City of Rensselaer is seeking training for 25 employees for OSHA 10-hour General Industry Training and 16 employees for OSHA 30-hour General Industry Training.  Each training component will need to be provided twice to assure coverage of regular duties. 


The OSHA 10-hour General Industry Training should be provided in two days of 5 hour classes first for 13 employees and then again for 12 employees.


The OSHA 30-hour General Industry Training should be provided in four days of 7.5 hour classes first for 8 employees and then again for 8 employees.


A Purchase of Services Request will only be issued if funds are received by the City of Rensselaer from the New York State Department of Labor for the Occupational Safety and Health Training and Education Program.


Special consideration will be given to MBE, WBE and SDVOB Proposals.


Price Proposals are due by Friday, January 10, 2025 at 2:00PM, and may be sent by email to or dropped off to the City of Rensselaer Planning Department in Rensselaer City Hall at 62 Washington Street, Rensselaer, New York 12144.


All proposals must complete a Response Form available on the City of Rensselaer Planning Department website (

Request For Price Proposals

OSHA 10 Hour and 30 Hour Training

Released January 3, 2025

Proposals Due January 10, 2025 at 2:00PM



Phone: (518) 462-4839

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